Isi Murray

Hypnotherapy for Healing and Hope – a name that came naturally to me because it’s exactly what it means to me personally and what I believe I can bring to others.

Throughout my own journey, people often told me I should “write a book” – a way of putting into words all my life experiences – there’s been so many – good and bad, lots memorable but many that I would have chosen not to live through or would have chosen a better ending if the choice had been mine. But I made it, I’m balanced and I have a good, healthy outlook.

Hypnosis has been by my side for almost 30 years and every single one of those years has led me here. In the early 1990s I met a Regression Therapist who intrigued me with his world. A couple of years later, a friend of a friend was a stage hypnotist so, when he visited our home, we would arrange little get togethers where willing volunteers entertained us – although this was my first real exposure to the power of the mind and its connection to the body, it has very little to do with the use of hypnosis in therapy …!… but I can’t help but smile at some of the achievements.

It was in the early 2000s that hypnosis became my own personal knight in shining armour. I learned, gradually and organically, that it could help me change things inside. I couldn’t change what was out of my control but I could take an active part in how I was reacting, what I was thinking, my behaviour, my perspective. I could change my mindset and I could change within me. I could make a positive difference to myself, taking more control of my emotions and my actions.

I only wish I had known then just how much was possible. But now I do ….

My Professional Journey

I began professional training, training, training. I wanted to know everything – every technique – every tool in the toolbox …. My own hypnotherapy experiences helped me understand I’d never know everything but also helped me accept I knew more than enough and I was out there helping others! Goodbye perfectionism …. those that know me will smile … Hypnotherapy for Healing and Hope was born.

Alongside a general practice, I decided to make sure that I was able to help people in specialist areas that were very close to my own heart and where I believed my learning, understanding and compassion could bring added value to my clients. You’ll find further information on the benefits and uses of hypnotherapy in fertility, childbirth, postnatal mental health and early parenting, sexual freedom and oncology in the dedicated sections on this website.

I have had the privilege of working with some of the top names in hypnotherapy worldwide and have had the benefit of their knowledge, experience and mentorship not only in my learning but in my own personal growth. My gratitude journal is overflowing….

In 2019 my corporate life came to an end and a new chapter of that book I never wrote began.

Working with you

I look forward to becoming a part of your journey, and helping you make changes to your life, how you think about or see things and, importantly, how you feel about them. I look forward to helping you to achieve what it really is that you would like from yourself and for yourself in your life. I enjoy seeing people find their smile, their self-worth, their pride, their belief in themselves and their capabilities, their confidence in who they are and their ability to be who they are. I enjoy seeing those I help bring about the changes they want.


  • UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy : Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
  • The Jacquin Academy : Professional Hypnotherapy Diploma
  • Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Practitioner
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Practitioner
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Practitioner
  • Simpson Protocol Practitioner
  • Content-Free Hypnotherapy Practitioner
  • NLP Master Practitioner
  • EFT/TFT Tapping Practitioner

Specialist Expertise

Fertility, Baby and Beyond

easibirthing ®

  • Hypnosis & Psychotherapy for Fertility
  • Hypnobirthing
  • Postnatal Mental Health and Early Parenting Relationships
  • Sexual Freedom Hypnosis Practitioner
The Cancer Journey

The Association of Hypno-Oncology Practioners

  • Certified Hypno-Oncology Practitioner

Contact me today to arrange a FREE initial 20 minute consultation


Tel: +44 (0)7782 968 619

Address: Blue Lotus Therapy Centre, 2/3 Scorrier House, Redruth, TR16 5AR

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